

Discover the 4 Steps to Building Your
Successful Online Coaching Business!

Learn The Exact Formula of How You Can Become a Six-Figure Online Coach
So You Can Live a Life of Freedom and Choice.

Duration: 30 min.

Time in CET (Europe, Berlin) - Check your TIME ZONE HERE

Did you know there has never been a better time for your coaching business?

Whether you're just starting out as a coach

or if you've been at it for a while but are still struggling to attract a consistent stream of clients willing to pay you what you're worth.

This training is the

Click to reserve your seat and unlock the secrets to building a thriving coaching practice.

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Your privacy matters. We don't tolerate spam and won't sell, rent, or lease your information. Please provide your contact details so we can assist you. Thank you!

If you're eager to monetize your knowledge and experience, and reach your goals faster and easier with a systematic approach, then this is the solution you've been searching for to accelerate your journey towards your goals.

to have more freedom and choice in your life!

Learn the Four Steps to Building Your Succesful Online Coaching Business!

Find out the Secrets to Becoming a Client-Magnet so that you don´t have to hard-sell anymore!

Copy the Exact Steps of our Highly Successful Clients and use them in your business right away!

Hosted by:
Michèl Keller

Successful Entrepreneur, Trainer, and Coach.
For the last 25 years, he has taught, coached, and educated 10.000s entrepreneurs, coaches, and consultants internationally.

Why should you join this training?

"These days, a lot of people are facing tough challenges. The future is uncertain, and everyone's feeling the pressure. We need solutions, and we need them fast.


But here's the catch: Many professionals in fields such as coaching, consulting, and expertise are so focused on helping their clients that they forget about their own business needs. And if they're not taking advantage of the internet and automated sales tools, they could be in trouble.

That's where our systems and tools come into play. We've crafted effective strategies to help professionals like you effortlessly attract more customers.

During this session, we'll share the secrets behind our successful client strategies, and the best part is, you can start applying them right away.

So, if you want to learn how to grow your business online, this training is for you. Let's dive in and get you on the path to success!
But of course, the decision is yours.

Michèl Keller

Selected Testimonials:

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In the name of transparency and authenticity, we will make a special offer at the end and if you want help implementing these tactics and strategies to build and grow your coaching business we might be able to help you. Is this necessary? It depends on your personal needs. Do you get value and insight even if you don't accept the offer? 100% yes. 
Some people will attend this training, implement the information themselves and achieve success. Others will realize that working together is exactly what they need to get results faster. It's entirely up to you, but we hope you will at least attend the free training, and let us know what you think!

By clicking "Register Now" or similar, you consent to and its authorized providers contacting you at the provided email address or/and phone number for marketing and information purposes. Consent is required by GDPR in order to participate in the training.

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures and results discussed in this training are our personal results and in some cases the sales figures and results of previous or existing customers. Please understand that these results are not typical. We do not claim that you will duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). 

The average person watching "how to" informational webinars gets little to no results. We use these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience and work ethic. Every business involves risk and requires massive and consistent effort and action. If you are not willing to accept this, please DO NOT attend this training.